Preventive Dentistry

General Dentistry
In sports they say that the best defense is a good offense, and the same applies to your smile. Taking the proactive steps to keep your teeth healthy not only involves brushing, flossing and rinsing them daily, but visiting our office for a thorough exam at least twice a year. Drs. Hadden and Whidden offer a variety of treatments to improve your oral health.
Regular Cleanings & Oral Exams
Excellent oral health begins with you. Routine brushing, flossing, and six month recall visits to our Vernon and Coventry practice allow you to maintain a healthy, disease free mouth. During your visit with us, you will have an oral cancer screening, hard and soft tissue exam and a professional cleaning using the latest dental technologies available on the market today.
Periodontal Care
Drs. Hadden and Whidden encourage all of their patients to maintain regular six month cleanings and periodontal screenings. With proper dental hygiene and professional care, we can arrest the progression and even prevent the onset of periodontal disease.
TMJ Treatment
When the temporomandibular joint is no longer in harmony with the muscles of the face and bones of the skull, the resultant dysfunction can result in significant pain and impairment. Signs and symptoms of TMJ disorder vary in their presentation and can be very complex, but are often simple.
Night Guard Therapy
If you think that you may be clenching and grinding your teeth, or you wake up with sore muscles and jaw joints, we will work with you to find the cause of your pain and alleviate your discomfort. A night guard is a small splint that is custom made to fit precisely over your teeth and is worn while you sleep to prevent grinding, clenching or tooth wear.
Sedation Dentistry
For many people, the mere mention of visiting the dentist is enough to induce extreme anxiety. Those who are in serious need of dental attention can't even get themselves to call a dentist, let alone visit one.Fortunately, there are plenty of options to alleviate your stress. Sedation dentistry makes dental visits more comfortable than ever.